Hello everyone,
I've spent the last 3 hours looking online for a Custom Bonemeal tutorial or anything similar. I found many results on how to use the Bonemeal Event for custom saplings but next to nothing on how to create your own item that works like bonemeal.
I looked into the ItemDye class to minic the bonemeal itself and made this class, leaving out parts that were not needed such as subitems and icontexture fromMetaData.
Important Info: Item's name is ghastMarrow, my main class/package is NetherCraft,
Next I tried using this class I thought, oh maybe the BonemealEvent was holding me back as it is meant only for bonemeal, here is my own version.
Following making that I remembered to create another class so my custom tree (GloWood Tree) would grow along with regular saplings
Then I registered the event in my main class
Finally I went back to my ghastMarrow Class and changed the code there
After All my hard work, I went in-game to test out my new bonemeal on my Custom Tree(gloWood) and on the regular tree (I added the part in the netherCraft_NEventBonemeal)
Any suggestions, ideas, problem solving, or anything. I have tried most things.
Thanks for reading this, it took me a while to type out.