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Everything posted by geneventor

  1. Ok, so I just changed the code, and it didn't work. :'( I am sorry to say, I am not sure how to fix it now. There are quite a few more errors. If you would like me to post the code again just say so.
  2. Now it does... I didn't realize how Hashmaps work. Sorry. But Thank you for your time it was quite helpful! I will go change the code now!
  3. You mean for me to just put in the code that you posted right? Nothing Else? Because I have a feeling I am doing something wrong.
  4. I attempted to change it to that, but it didn't change anything(besides the text I put in there)
  5. I have recently been trying to make a 6 output furnace, however it is not going so well. I created a single input, single fuel, single output furnace, then attempted to make it 6 output. I changed the Container class to have six output slots in their correct position, and I put the GUI texture in the furnace. Both of which I believe are correct, but I am not sure. Everything had no errors until I got to the Recipies Class, in which I attempted to change it so it had six outputs. The problem I am having is at: public void addSmelting(int par1, ItemStack par2ItemStack, ItemStack par3ItemStack, ItemStack par4ItemStack, ItemStack par5ItemStack, ItemStack par6ItemStack, ItemStack par7ItemStack, float par8) { this.smeltingList.put(Integer.valueOf(par1), par2ItemStack, par3ItemStack, par4ItemStack, par5ItemStack, par6ItemStack, par7ItemStack); this.experienceList.put(Integer.valueOf(par2ItemStack.itemID), Integer.valueOf(par3ItemStack.itemID), Integer.valueOf(par4ItemStack.itemID), Integer.valueOf(par5ItemStack.itemID), Integer.valueOf(par6ItemStack.itemID), Integer.valueOf(par7ItemStack.itemID), Float.valueOf(par8)); } the "put" after this.smeltingList and this.experienceList. The error says "The method put(Object, Object) in the type map is not applicable for the arguments (Integer, ItemStack, ItemStack, ItemStack, ItemStack, ItemStack, ItemStack) Here is my base class file: Here is my Chemistry Machine (What this custom furnace's subtype is) Initialization Class: Here is the Fuel Atomic Separator (custom furnace name) Block Class Here is my Fuel Atomic Separator Tile Entity Class: Here is the Container Class: Here is the Gui Handler Class: Here is the Gui Class for the Furnace: Here is the Container Class: Here is the Recipe Class Here is the Packet Handler Class: If anyone is able to help please do! Thank you, Geneventor
  6. Hello, I am 13 and trying to code a mod in java with forge, using eclipse on my mac. I've installed the forege api, and started coding with it. However, I have been unable to Texture the Item. When I start up the Minecraft Test it gives me tells me this, and what I believe is the error is in red. Not only does it tell me this, it tells me this about four times. The code that I have written is below the error. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated Here is the Base Class: Here is the Item Class Here is the Common Proxy Class Here is the Client Proxy Class Thank you for your time, Geneventor Hello again, I put in the code that Draco18s showed, and everything works. I am very greatful! Funny thing is... I am not sure what I did. If someone could please explain, that would be much appreciated. Thank you for your time(again), Geneventor
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