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  1. Sorry to bump but no-one has any ideas?
  2. I thought so but only method on the line is setUNlocalisedName, which isn't client side only. Why would it say the method being called is 'd'? MCP obfuscation issue?
  3. I'm able to run my code in Eclipse with no problem, I've even made other mods with the same dev setup - so I know there's no problem there. When I compile+obfuscate the mod and try to run the normal way I get the error shown below. I've used both the recommended and latest version of Forge for 1.6.2. Same thing. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks I do have permission to use HarvestCraft code btw. Line causing problem: PamHarvestCraft.ediblerootItem = new ItemPamSeedFood(HarvestConfigurationHandler.ediblerootID, 1, 0.1F, 23).setUnlocalizedName("PamHarvestCraft:ediblerootItem"); Minecraft Crash Report Forge Log http://pastebin.com/SP22UZQC
  4. Sorry to bring back an old thread but this the only thread I could find on the issue and my reply is about this suggested method. This suggestion would cause a stack of empty buckets to be filled with milk. How do we allow only one bucket to be filled, since that method doesn't provide an EntityPlayer?
  5. Damn, seriously? No-one has found a way yet?
  6. I know how to add new structures but how do I override current ones, change the weights or remove them from the list? To put it simply, I want to reduce the spawn weight of vanilla fields, or remove the fields or change the generation code - any will do. Please don't just say 'reflection', point me to what I need to reflect if you know. Thanks.
  7. Appreciate the advice, thank you. I looked into reflection and was able to get rid of the base class edits to crops and food items. Sounds like I might need ASM to modify the FoodStats class though.
  8. I currently have a mod that modifies base classes to do what it does. I would like to convert this to Forge mod, if possible, so end users wouldn't need to further modify the Minecraft JAR. Here are the things my mod does via base class editing; max stack size depends on hunger value of food bonemeal doesn't fertilize crops crops only grow during daytime (not in torchlight) eating speed depends on food value tooltips on food walking / swimming triple exhaustion crops take twice as long to grow hunger depletes faster low hunger gives negative effects low health gives negative effects heal heals slower Modifies the hunger/saturation value of vanilla foods Are these modifications possible without modifying base classes? If so, would some one be so kind as to point me in the right direction with regard to hooks I can use, etc.
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