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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. looks like completely deleting my mc folder- game seems to be running smoothly so far. thanks for the help!
  2. If I delete the file and start the game, will it replace the file? Is the config problem causing the missing text issue?
  3. Link for launcher logs, crash reports and screenshots: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/y3e16u66pl208sp5ysd05/h?dl=0&rlkey=ww3y6ib2swsqov233islb1ih9
  4. I deleted it fml.toml and the game starts but there is no text- only empty brackets where the letters should be (empty brackets.png). Now, it hits me with the exit code -1 (the Forge 1.19.4.png) when I try to load a world or even when I enter the settings. Do I need to delete the config file for the traveler backpack and the forge client? Would that fix the text problem as well?
  5. This is my first time using this platform for support, so apologies if I'm missing any information in the initial post or I'm not doing anything correctly. I've been trying to troubleshoot my problems independently for the last few days, looking through articles, videos, forums, and I'm having no luck fixing the error issue. I have updated my computer, my driver and java, uninstalled and re-installed MC, removing mods and re-installing them, logged out and back in, restarted my computer, tried going back to previous versions, etc...Nothing seems to correct the problem. No issues with playing vanilla Minecraft java...Anyone have any ideas? Most recent crash report is from 4/23/23 and 4/24/23, I'll include those if that's helpful. Included launcher logs from 4/28/23 - 4/30/23 and debug logs from 4/30/23. Dropbox with all logs, reports and screenshots of game output: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/5a8x7hpxn5falzuejn4e3/h?dl=0&rlkey=wmtsg6b6ffxtipac406zsovgb Let me know if you can't access the dropbox.
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