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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. level.setBlock(pos, Blocks.ICE.defaultBlockState(), 0); I use this command to set the blockstate in a certain position, but it sometimes does not render until I reload the world. What does the integer in the command represent, It sometimes renders properly if I change it, but never always works? Is this integer connected to rendering the change, or do I need to call a different command afterwards to render the change with the client? Thanks
  2. I don't know how to do that, how do I specify the location? Can you give me an example of code to create any entity in minecraft and I can follow that
  3. if(!event.getPlayer().level.isClientSide) { WitherBoss wither = new WitherBoss(null, event.getPlayer().level); event.getPlayer().level.addFreshEntity(wither); } I tried this too and it also doesn't work
  4. I want to spawn a wither for one of my mods but I don't know how. @SubscribeEvent public void WitherMake(BreakEvent event) { if(!event.getPlayer().level.isClientSide) { WitherBoss wither = new WitherBoss(null, event.getPlayer().level); event.getPlayer().level.gameEvent(wither, GameEvent.ENTITY_PLACE, event.getPos()); } } This is what im trying now but it dose not work. How would I spawn a wither i this placeholder method? I looked at the spawn egg code but it is really confusing
  5. Search it where? I'm more looking for a way to find each command as a need it in the future, rather than help with a specific one right now. Is there somewhere I can search SummonCommand to see how minecraft does it? Because then I could figure out other commands that way too.
  6. I am just starting with forge, and am having trouble knowing the syntax for commands, like creating an explosion or spawning an entity. Is there anywhere with a list of all the commands/methods available, either as a resource online or in the files? Thanks
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