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Posts posted by Bacon1001

  1. Forge versions higher than 1.16.5 are crashing on launch with exit code 1. Even without mods installed. I've tried updating java, updating my drivers, and even tried again after doing a full factory reset on my PC recently due to some other issues. Enclosed is a debug log of me trying to run a curseforge modpack with forge 43.2.23 (game version 1.19.2) that exhibits the same error.


  2. I can launch a vanilla minecraft instance or a fabric instance, but launching a forge instance, even with no mods, returns Exit Code 1 every time. I've tried reinstalling minecraft, reinstalling java, restarting my machine, and running forge from curseforge and from the minecraft launcher. My debug log can be found here.

    This error occurs for every version ive tested, including both 1.19.2, 1.19.4 and 1.20.

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