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Everything posted by HazardousToast

  1. HI there! I know this is a dead thread, but I wanted to throw in my 2 cents since this is the thread which popped up when i searched for the issue. I was having this exact issue- unable to download a file via the launcher, cant ping libraries.minecraft.net, but could ping minecraft.net. Turns out the DNS server my computer was automagically getting assigned was borked. What fixed it was: going to my 'network connections' in control panel right clicking the adapter I'm using (wifi, in my case), and selecting properties click the IPV4 property, then select the properties button In this screen, select the 'use the following DNS server addresses' radio button, then enter the following 2 DNS server IDs without the quotes "" - thats the BetterDNS IP "" - thats Google's DNS address after applying these settings, i was immediately able to ping libraries.minecraft.net, and the launcher could download all necessary files to launch mincraft, and the forge version i wanted
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