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Everything posted by Thecheatgamer1

  1. Added and not working, sound is not playing at all! Did you change the return to where your ogg file is located? Yes, i even tryed connecting it to my Sounds.java class what is supposed to direct all sounds
  2. Well this is my mod Items class This is my HappydaysMusic Disk class This is my SoundHandler class And this is my ClientProxy class And this is my CommonProxy Class The Disk Works fine, but the music its supposed to play isnt playing so can someone tell me how to fix it or what i have to add!
  3. Taking a stab in the dark, I'm going to say that this might not work, Also new ItemStack(YourModItemsClass.iredantcrystal) is valid and is probably better to use. Also it is likely that ItemIds.IREDANTCRYSTAL will be itemID - 256 (because of shifted index and stuff), so lookup will fail, can't say for certain as this code isn't given Again i'm going to re-state my thought that it is the item not being initialized at this point, i.e. if you haven't called ModItems.init() or whatever you called it the variables will be null, hence the null pointer, Also this is thrown using the Id as this is used to look up the item from an array of all the items, where it will be unable to find an item with your itemID. Try calling this method later than you already are (so like this): @Init public static void init(FMLInitializationEvent evt) { ModBlocks.init(); ModItems.init(); ModBlocks.initBlockRecipies(); } its still doing the same crash!
  4. You hit copy&paste, didn't you? Change new ItemStack(YourModItemsClass.iredantcrystal) to new ItemStack(ItemIds.IREDANTCRYSTAL) and you should be fine. Im not sure were to put this change of code, im blind or it just isnt there
  5. Iv tested all my items while the loading of moditems class was disabled so yet it is
  6. Well this is my ModBlocks.java This is my BlockIredantBlock.java And this is my BlockFusionOre.java And when i try to run minecraft with how ever i try to fix it, this comes up
  7. Well i deleted my itemsAnnom Class and extended my only loadable item to new.minecraft.item.Item this is the crash log it had
  8. Well what i did was nothing because i didnt understand why it wasnt working in original minecraft
  9. Do you think my code is better now? https://github.com/Thecheatgamer1/Annom
  10. I just love pahimars structure i really re writen most of his things i dont copy and paste because that breakes things
  11. Well i really just thought forward and added something im going to add in the future
  12. remove these lines i did just try it and it keeps breaking more things instead of fixing them
  13. remove these lines If i do, how will my items get their names and max stack sizes? and it is also in the ItemAnnom class so if i do remove them it will ask my to implement the unimplemented structure
  14. on your item class, change it to: reply with what happens Comes up with this
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