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  1. In other words, what kind of code problems cause these chunk memory freezes and errors
  2. Okay sorry. I've loaded up a world on this server & played just fine for about 6 hours exploring to see if it will crash. I took out various mods and all mods that optimize the server. The server worked just fine. I thought I fixed it, but then my friend joined & the game after 5 minutes of playing together started doing the same thing of the ram skyrocketing & freezing, just like before. I do not know what to do, because the more mods that are taken out, the more the world breaks. I don't know how to tell if the problem is fixed either, because the server works fine for such a long period and then breaks. I am now testing with my friend online, and not me, to see if it works fine for him. Any idea as to what could be causing it to run perfectly fine for a long period of time, but then the game does this freezing when another logs on? Or is that unrelated? I don't get how it can work for so long and then just break out of the blue
  3. Hi there, my Forge server has been running fine, but when trying to explore the world or play, it randomly freezes. This is due to a tick taking forever or looping infinitely, I am not sure as to the cause. I set the Max tick time to -1, but that does not fix the issue, only makes it so the game doesn't boot you for Timed Out. The server still freezes. The ram skyrocks to the maximum 8 GB, and then stays stuck there til it crashes itself. I went ahead and got the Debug Log, Crash Report, and the spark profiler up until the game froze and wouldn't let me run commands. https://paste.ee/p/5lZnI - Debug Log https://paste.ee/p/TpQRU - Crash Report https://spark.lucko.me/eSWlJI4Ljn - Spark Profiler I have tried removing mods to figure out the issue, tried all mods related to structure generation, but could not figure it out. Thank you for reading & helping
  4. I finally have got my forge server to be functional after help from people on this forum, and played on it fine for a day. Now, since I've started playing today, the server runs for 2 minutes, then freezes. In the server stats, the ram goes from normal ram usage, all the way to the max 8 GBs in an instant, then the server freezes til it force crashes itself. I tried to use Spark debug profiler to figure out what is causing it, but the server freezes and crashes before it can profile the issue, and it can never upload the link for the profile before its frozen and dead. Here is the latest debug log from the server. Thank you for reading & helping https://paste.ee/p/kue5n
  5. I went ahead and took that mod out, and let the modder know. Taking that out fixed my problem, thank you very much
  6. Hi there, I have posted the Debug.log onto the gist.github you have in your post there. Here is the link. I want to add that I was able to craft sticks using JEI's automatic crafting, but crafting anything in my inventory myself does not work, and the items go invisible. https://gist.github.com/Nazeren/004648f35ad2ae89f43776ec085910e4 Please help me out, and thank you for helping & reading
  7. I do not know exactly what I need to post for anyone to help, but now that my server is working, I went to make wood planks & it will not craft them, or show any result. using JEI to try to craft doesn't work either. What do I need to post to help? I tried it in single player & the crafting works, so the issue is serverside Thank you for helping
  8. I found the mod with the error, it was Celestisynth, was not working with multiplayer at all
  9. I had an error earlier with mods having uppercase letters in the items and it breaking the mods, so I took them out, and now I am getting this new error? I also saw that we should upload posts to a pastebin, but my debug log is too long for that so I made a github to post the debug log, I hope that is correct to do. The error is "Internal Exception: io.netty.handler.codec.DecoderException: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: index: 14, length 110, (expected range(0, 82)) What does this mean? Here is the debug log for it https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Nazeren/debug/main/debug-1.log
  10. I had an error earlier with mods having uppercase letters in the items and it breaking the mods, so I took them out, and now I am getting this new error? The error is "Internal Exception: io.netty.handler.codec.DecoderException: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: index: 14, length 110, (expected range(0, 82)) What does this mean? Here is the debug log for it https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/8tv2e57wkehmyepenhe66/debug-1.log?rlkey=vxpkfky6v5oxxsiqd54yk51z7&dl=0
  11. When I join my server, it encrypts and loads, saying join world, then gives me this error. internal exception io.netty.handler.codec.decoderexception: net.minecraft.resourcelocationexception: non [a-z0-9_.-] character in namespace of location: Here is the link to my debug log for the error, I saw other posts say they need the forge debug log https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/1ud0ci2yk67tm6blai3hv/debug-1.log?rlkey=uk0c81osnz6gslj1zi6dk1h0g&dl=0
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