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  1. Instead of making a jar, try making a resource pack. That should work better. I hope.
  2. I'm triying to make a kill aura script on my minecraft mod, and everything goes great, except that the player just don't attacks. Here is my code: public void killAura() { ClientPlayerEntity playerEntity = Minecraft.getInstance().player; Predicate<Entity> predicate = i -> !(i.equals(playerEntity)); Minecraft.getInstance().player.attack(Minecraft.getInstance().level.getNearestPlayer(playerEntity.getX(),playerEntity.getY(),playerEntity.getZ(),5000,predicate)); System.out.println(Minecraft.getInstance().level.getNearestPlayer(playerEntity.getX(),playerEntity.getY(),playerEntity.getZ(),5000,predicate).getName().getString()); } That code runs on the client side, so i don't know if i have to make it differently. Edit: It does like it's attacking, but the nearest player doesn't gets damage
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