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Everything posted by linkseyi

  1. Thanks for the workaround! It seems to be generating now.
  2. I've been trying to figure out biome spawning in Forge 1.7.2, but can't seem to get them to work. I've got this instance in the base class: public static BiomeGenBase exampleBiome = new BiomeGenExample(); And then I have the constructor set up in BiomeGenExample: public class BiomeGenExample extends BiomeGenBase { public BiomeGenExample() { super(50); this.biomeName = "Example"; this.topBlock = Blocks.bedrock; this.fillerBlock = Blocks.dirt; this.rainfall = 0.5F; this.temperature = 0.5F; this.minHeight = 0.2F; this.maxHeight = 0.5F; this.enableRain = false; } } I know previously there was a method in GameRegistry to make the biome spawn that is no longer there. Should I have anything else to make this biome spawn, or am I just not looking hard enough?
  3. Thank you! I could have sworn that I tried that already, but it worked regardless.
  4. I am running into a frustrating problem with block textures. I can use the setBlockTextureName method or the IconRegister method, but the block in-game gets the purple/black placeholder. The part that has me confused is that there is nothing in the console about "missing textures", which leads me to believe there's something sketchy in my code. Keep in mind that the mod is loading and being recognized by Forge without any problems. Here are the essentials: @Mod(modid = "example", version = "1") public class ExampleMod { // public static final String MODID = "examplemod"; public static final String VERSION = "1.0"; @Instance(value = "example") public static ExampleMod instance; public static Block example; @SidedProxy(clientSide="com.example.examplemod.ClientProxy", serverSide="com.example.examplemod.CommonProxy") public static CommonProxy proxy; @EventHandler public void init(FMLInitializationEvent event) { example = new BlockExample().setBlockTextureName("example:Block1").setBlockName("example").setHardness(5F).setResistance(5F).setLightLevel(1F).setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabBlock); GameRegistry.registerBlock(example, "example"); } } And BlockExample public class BlockExample extends Block { protected BlockExample() { super(Material.rock); } IIcon blockIcon; @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public IIcon getIcon(int p_149691_1_, int p_149691_2_) { return blockIcon; } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void registerBlockIcons(IIconRegister r) { this.blockIcon = r.registerIcon("example:Block1"); } }
  5. Here's one of the rendering classes (they're functionally identical). package net.minecraft.src; import net.minecraft.client.model.ModelBase; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.RenderLiving; import net.minecraft.entity.Entity; import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLiving; import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation; public class RenderCreep extends RenderLiving { public RenderCreep(ModelBase a, float b) { super(a, b); } public static final ResourceLocation textureCreep = new ResourceLocation("textures/entity/Creep.png"); protected ResourceLocation func_110775_a(Entity entity) { return textureCreep; } public void doRender(Entity a, double b, double c, double d, float e, float f){ super.doRender(a, b, c, d, e, f); } public void doRenderLiving(EntityLiving a, double b, double c, double d, float e, float f){ super.doRenderLiving(a, b, c, d, e, f); } } I'm using the default package under testing circumstances. This shouldn't make a difference in the problem I'm having.
  6. They are set as the entity ID's. They are not the problem here, as the entities are working absolutely fine. It's just their renderers that are the problem.
  7. I've been having trouble with rendering multiple mobs in 1.6.2. I can have multiple entities but they will all be assigned to the first entity renderer to be registered. Here's some of the Mod's initialization. @SidedProxy(clientSide="net.minecraft.src.ClientProxy", serverSide="net.minecraft.src.CommonProxy") public static CommonProxy proxy; @EventHandler public void load(FMLInitializationEvent event) { EntityRegistry.registerModEntity(EntityBiped.class, "Biped", Bipedid, this, 80, 1, true); EntityRegistry.registerModEntity(EntityCreep.class, "Creep", Creepid, this, 80, 1, true); proxy.registerRenderers(); } and the client proxy public class ClientProxy extends CommonProxy { @Override public void registerRenderers() { RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler(EntityCreep.class, new RenderCreep(new ModelCreeper(), 0.5F)); RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler(EntityBiped.class, new RenderBiped(new net.minecraft.src.ModelBiped(), 0.5F)); } } I have some custom eggs that spawn these mobs. Both mobs will be separate (separate drops, etc.), however they are both registered to the renderer of the first entity initialized (i.e. in the example above both mobs are rendered as Bipeds). Any help would be wonderful.
  8. Since I'm pretty sure the Forge guys are trying to keep it totally ModLoader-compatible (correct me if I'm wrong), I have a bug to submit as to entity rendering. Please do not tell me to change anything in my code, I simply want to know if this is a Forge bug and make it known to somebody. If I were to use the BaseMod.addRenderer class in a BaseMod extension file: public void addRenderer (Map<Class<? extends Entity>, Render> map) { map.put(EntityExample.class, new RenderTest(new ModelTest(), 0.5F)); map.put(EntityExample2.class, new RenderTest2(new ModelTest2(), 0.5F)); } In this case any entities I register in the load() method are assigned to the first renderer. Spawning both EntityExample and EntityExample2 will produce a render of EntityExample. It is a separate entity, since I can change entity properties such as dropFewItems() normally. So if anyone has any information as to why this is happening or if I can expect this to be fixed at all, that would be great.
  9. I fixed it. I ended up using (new ItemStack[yd](itemVarname, 1, 0).itemID[d]) for anyone concerned.
  10. 1. I'm dealing with obfuscated code. The meat of it should be easily understandable. 2. The items are static, they are being created when the class is loaded. 3. That seems irrelevant.
  11. I am relatively new to Forge, so please bear with me. I have some items, all initialized in a main mod class as such: public static final Item WPUC = new ItemWPUC(512).b("WPUC").d("WPUC"); public static final Item CWP = new ItemCWP(513).b("CWP").d("CWP"); I want to use these items in a furnace recipe, however if I use the following it is ineffectual. addSmelting(512, new ItemStack(513, 1, 0), 0.4F); It seems that the actual itemID variable for each of these items is 0, so that defining them by that variable isn't working. I tried printing the WPUC.itemID to console and reached this conclusion. Is this a normal feature of Forge, and if so how should I go about creating a furnace recipe?
  12. Thanks, very helpful.
  13. New to Forge modding here. I need to be able to call a method every time the screen is drawn (I originally did this by laying some code right inside the Minecraft class, but now that's not possible). Are there any Forge functions that can do this for me?
  14. Well the source is the same as the decompiled class. lx = Icon wk = Item .c(S) = setUnlocalizedName(S)
  15. Thank you, but as this is part of an interactive compiler (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1361604-152-windows-linkseyis-modmaker-create-unique-blocks-items-recipes-mobs-and-models-structures-and-biomes-with-a-simple-gui/#entry16594112), changing around large amounts of code is not practical unless ultimately necessary. Also, I have tried using the Forge equivalent to addName (LanguageRegsitry.addName) and got the same results. If you don't want to use Forge, don't come complaining to Forge when your mod doesn't work. I don't think you understand. I am using the ModLoader class in Forge, which should work fine (it's designed to be ModLoader-compatible). No, I don't think you understand. YOUR PROBLEM IS COMING FROM MAKING THE MOD IN A MOD MAKER!!!! Since you have done that, it cannot read properly, and editing it is just pointless. So you need to decompile MCP with forge, REWRITE your mod (yes, the whole damn thing because it is already recompiled/reobfuscated) and then recompile/reobfuscate it the normal way. And ObsequiousNewt is right, don't come complaining about forge related problems if you are making a mod using another API. No, I made the ModMaker. I'm trying to update it to be Forge-compatible (sorry for the misunderstanding). I can rewrite things to be "completely Forge", but I'd rather know what the immediate problem is before I do that.
  16. Thank you, but as this is part of an interactive compiler (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1361604-152-windows-linkseyis-modmaker-create-unique-blocks-items-recipes-mobs-and-models-structures-and-biomes-with-a-simple-gui/#entry16594112), changing around large amounts of code is not practical unless ultimately necessary. Also, I have tried using the Forge equivalent to addName (LanguageRegsitry.addName) and got the same results. If you don't want to use Forge, don't come complaining to Forge when your mod doesn't work. I don't think you understand. I am using the ModLoader class in Forge, which should work fine (it's designed to be ModLoader-compatible).
  17. Thank you, but as this is part of an interactive compiler (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1361604-152-windows-linkseyis-modmaker-create-unique-blocks-items-recipes-mobs-and-models-structures-and-biomes-with-a-simple-gui/#entry16594112), changing around large amounts of code is not practical unless ultimately necessary. Also, I have tried using the Forge equivalent to addName (LanguageRegsitry.addName) and got the same results.
  18. Could the problem be that the code is in load() and not Init(FMLInitializationEvent e)?
  19. Sorry about the obfuscated code, 'c("ToolSword")' is setUnlocalizedName.
  20. I have a mod that's ported to FML from ModLoader. Everything's working okay as of now except that when I use both ModLoader.addName and LanguageRegistry.addName, all items in the mod resort to being named the last one applied. public class mod_Tools extends BaseMod { public static lx texToolSword; public static lx texToolPickaxe; public static lx texToolHelmet; public static lx texToolPlate; //Ignore the addTool/ArmorMaterial stuff. public static final wk ToolSword = new ItemToolSword(160, LinkseyiForgeAdapter.addToolMaterial("Rod", 1, 64, 7.0F, 2, 2)).c("ToolSword"); public static final wk ToolPickaxe = new ItemToolPickaxe(161, LinkseyiForgeAdapter.addToolMaterial("Rod", 1, 64, 7.0F, 2, 2)).c("ToolPickaxe"); public static final wk ToolHelmet = new ItemToolHelmet(162, LinkseyiForgeAdapter.addArmorMaterial("DiamondTwo", 7, new int[] { 6, 6, 7, 6 }, , ModLoader.addArmor("DiamondTwo"), 0).c("ToolHelmet"); public static final wk ToolPlate = new ItemToolPlate(163, LinkseyiForgeAdapter.addArmorMaterial("DiamondTwo", 7, new int[] { 6, 6, 7, 6 }, , ModLoader.addArmor("DiamondTwo"), 1).c("ToolPlate"); public void load() { // I've tried using LanguageRegistry too; same results. ModLoader.addName(ToolSword, "Tool Sword"); ModLoader.addName(ToolPickaxe, "Tool Pickaxe"); ModLoader.addName(ToolHelmet, "Tool Helmet"); ModLoader.addName(ToolPlate, "Tool Plate"); } } In this case all items end up being named "Tool Plate".
  21. I have a mod that's ported to FML from ModLoader. Everything's working okay as of now except that when I use both ModLoader.addName and LanguageRegistry.addName, all items in the mod resort to being named the last one applied. public class mod_Tools extends BaseMod { public static lx texToolSword; public static lx texToolPickaxe; public static lx texToolHelmet; public static lx texToolPlate; //Ignore the addTool/ArmorMaterial stuff. public static final wk ToolSword = new ItemToolSword(160, LinkseyiForgeAdapter.addToolMaterial("Rod", 1, 64, 7.0F, 2, 2)).c("ToolSword"); public static final wk ToolPickaxe = new ItemToolPickaxe(161, LinkseyiForgeAdapter.addToolMaterial("Rod", 1, 64, 7.0F, 2, 2)).c("ToolPickaxe"); public static final wk ToolHelmet = new ItemToolHelmet(162, LinkseyiForgeAdapter.addArmorMaterial("DiamondTwo", 7, new int[] { 6, 6, 7, 6 }, , ModLoader.addArmor("DiamondTwo"), 0).c("ToolHelmet"); public static final wk ToolPlate = new ItemToolPlate(163, LinkseyiForgeAdapter.addArmorMaterial("DiamondTwo", 7, new int[] { 6, 6, 7, 6 }, , ModLoader.addArmor("DiamondTwo"), 1).c("ToolPlate"); public void load() { ModLoader.addName(ToolSword, "Tool Sword"); ModLoader.addName(ToolPickaxe, "Tool Pickaxe"); ModLoader.addName(ToolHelmet, "Tool Helmet"); ModLoader.addName(ToolPlate, "Tool Plate"); } } In this case all items end up being named "Tool Plate".
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