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  1. hello my game is not launching https://paste.ee/p/WyVa7 game crash logs thx for your help
  2. hello, i played for few hours on a mod pack then suddently i got a few game crash like 3 ine 15 minute so thx for help https://paste.ee/p/Sbeys
  3. okay it worked kinda, now the game don't crash anymore but i still can't connect and the game tell me this : internal exeception: io.netty.handler.codec.decoderexecption: java.util.zip.dataformatexecption:invalid distance too far back
  4. my friends have this mod too and they can join only me can't join
  5. and what am i suposed to do exactly, delet the mod and join the server, but will i be able since the server have them
  6. hey crash error i can't do anything it crash when i join a multiplayer server, mod QSMP EXPERIENCE(nonofficial) i tried to reinstall the game/mod still same crash error https://pastebin.com/4Fu5tvcG
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