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  1. Hello All, I make a custom model block... It work with the switch of texture for metadata in the world! but with the IItermRenderer all sub block have got the texture of the principal block D: How can I render a different texture for metadata with IItemRenderer? ClientProxy: MinecraftForgeClient.registerItemRenderer(Test.ModelSubBlock.blockID, new TileEntityModelSubBlockHandlerRenderer()); TileEntityRendererHandler: public class TileEntityModelSubBlockHandlerRenderer implements IItemRenderer { private TestModel modeltest; public TileEntityModelSubBlockHandlerRenderer () { modeltest= new TestModel(); } @Override public boolean handleRenderType(ItemStack item, ItemRenderType type) { return true; } @Override public boolean shouldUseRenderHelper(ItemRenderType type, ItemStack item, ItemRendererHelper helper) { return true; } @Override public void renderItem(ItemRenderType type, ItemStack item, Object... data) { TileEntityRenderer.instance.renderTileEntityAt(new TileEntityTestModelSub(), 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0f); } }
  2. There's no way to solve? In some mod I've seen if you set the 4500 ingame id is 4500 D;
  3. ok I set my id to 3900.... but minecraft forge ad 256 to my id! I set 3900 but in game the id is 4156 *D: help
  4. Hello all, I set a id for my custom item...(the id is 3100) but when I run minecrfat, minecraft forge set the item's id to 31999..... In the console there is this message: Mod attempted to get a item ID with a default value in the block ID section, mod authors should make sure there defaults are above 3840 unless explicitly needed so that all block ids are free to store blocks. 2013-10-03 21:26:36 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] Config "/config/testchannel/test.cfg" Category: "item" Key: "Test Item IDs" Default: 3100 Why?
  5. Can help?
  6. Hello all, I have make a stairs with sub block!: code: the stairs take their texture from another sub block the Colored Block..... but How can I edit the int par3 according to the sub block? Thanks
  7. Hello I created 2 block metadata: Example: Stone White and Stonw Black; Cobblestone White and Cobblestone BlackM; I need if you break the stone withe drop the metadata of cobblestone white and black for black D: (Metadatas Stone Black = 0, Stone White = 1; Cobblestone Black = 0, Cobblestone White = 1) I tried: damageDropped; idDropped but null D: Help
  8. P.S it is possible because the recipe of cake give 1 cake and return 3 bucket
  9. How can I give 4 Black and 1 pencil?
  10. I have always asked for help but I can see if I can help ... Post your block.class, Main.class, proxy.class, model.class, tileentity.class and tileentityrenderer.class P.S What's in creepian.java:114?
  11. ok solved... but: GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Black, 4), new Object[]{"XX", "XX", 'X', this.Pencil.setContainerItem(Pencil)}); it retutrn 4 pencil(equals of output numbers) How can I return 1 only?
  12. this? public Item setContainerItem(Item par1Item) { this.containerItem = par1Item; return this; } I undestand how use it
  13. Hello i created a recipe with an custom item but I need that this item as for the MininumStone of EE3, once craftated the item of recipe the custom item does not disappear ... How can I do? (So: If I put 1 block of land and of stone and I craft a block... in the crafting grid there is still the block of dirt) Thanks
  14. my texture file is: With the up link use the tessellator face per face with a four png... But I have 1png olny
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