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  1. Ok, How the hell am i supposed to define the letter for the fucking recipe? How else am i supposed to initialize the god damn items? Ok, My mod! I can NAME anything HOWEVER THE FUCK I WANT TO! Where else am i supposed to do my shit? Ok, Maybe i dont want to use the ugly ass textures that minecraft gives??? AND MY GOD DAMN CODE DOES WORK IN MCP! I WANT YOU TO EXPLAIN YOUR SELF WHEN YOU SAY SOMETHING I DID IS WRONG, CAUSE YOUR NOT HELPING ANYONE BUT YOURSELF BECAUSE ALL YOU DOING IS PISSING PEOPLE OFF WHEN YOU JUST SAY WHAT IS WRONG, AND NOT HOW TO FIX THE GOD DAMN THING!
  2. It works in mcp. it worked fine up till i added a block. Well heck it still works it just crashes because of stupid null object. And also if there are SOOO many things wrong with it. WOuld you like to teach me how to code? Or at least how to fix all my supposed screw ups?
  3. there's entire code. And also what do you mean by i didnt assign a value?? I assigned everything correctly... Or else there would be error's wouldnt there? And I name things to where i know what they are...
  4. Ok, So i found what was supposedly null: ModLoader.addName(DarkStone, "Darkstone"); Now what is so null about it??? Other Parts of my code that have to do with this Block register Add Recipe I think making the block??? Config & InitItems BlockDarkStone.java Can someone please explain why this is null???
  5. That's the thing Idk what null object i am naming. D:
  6. Ok, Today I added my first official block to My Mod. Yay, but everytime i recompile, reobfuscate, and put into my minecraft.jar i get the above error. May someone please help? All help is appreciated.
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