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  1. I tried to get it using method 1 but nothing appears in the command window. Only the base things and the text I have to copy paste. C:\Users\OSCAR\AppData\Roaming>java -Xincgc -Xmx2048M -cp Minecraft.exe net.mine craft.LauncherFrame "java" no se reconoce como un comando interno o externo, programa o archivo por lotes ejecutable. C:\Users\OSCAR\AppData\Roaming> I get this when pressing enter.
  2. I'm using
  3. WinRAR but the forge is WinZip. Windows 7. I used the same steps that you wrote. I'm installing it by myself. I don't have MCpatcher. Followed the steps but still blackscreens.
  4. I put the files that were inside Forge in .jar, but then it blackscreens. I don't see any tutorial, nor I can find one.
  5. Hello, I want to use the mod Minecraft: Battlegear, but, everytime I try to install forge, I get a black screen, and I don't seem to know how to install it properly, nor I find any tutorial, and the readme confuses me. I did delete Meta inf. I get a blackscreen and nothing else, so, I can't report much. I may get insulted because of this post, but, I need help.
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