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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. I've tried looking over them myself but can't find the issue with the mods. I would rather not have to go through and manual shut off mods to figure it out, but if I have to. I will Here is the most recent log: https://paste.ee/d/MBZX4
  2. So that fixed the original issue. The new issue that I'm getting is that Create, Steam n' Rails, and Extended cogwheel are not loading correctly. https://paste.ee/p/jQ1Ag
  3. 1.20.1 Mod pack, I have exit code -1. Not sure what mod it would be because this is the first time I've had issues after updating the mods. https://paste.ee/p/i8tF1 <-- Link to Crash Log. If anyone can help, thanks.
  4. I found the issue. It was a conflict with Twilight and Gothic RPG. Thanks
  5. How do I do a binary search?
  6. Hi all, I've been playing a mod pack the includes the twilight forest. I never noticed this until last night when I went to actually use the mod. For some reason when I go to create the portal for it, the portal does not work. I am playing in 1.18.2, forge 40.2.15. I think I have narrowed it down to being an issue with conflict between mods but I am not 100% sure. I've never had this issue before, and even tried it with a mod pack extremely similar. The mod pack has the same mods just a few less and it works on that version. Any ideas? Thanks. (Not sure if I'm posting in the right spot)
  7. I'm trying to get this mod pack to work and I am not sure why I am getting, "The game crashed whilst rendering overlay Error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Failed to create model for minecraft:pig Exit Code: -1" Just looking for a little help. I don't know where to start with this issue
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