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Everything posted by nekpek

  1. I tried that very first, and it would work if it wasn't because you had to overwrite the vanilla recipes with the Ore Dictionary word for leather i have a solution here [sOLVED] I simple added the code itself inside the Ore Dictionary registerOre("itemLeather", Item.leather); under the other registerOre lines and then under replacements.put(new ItemStack(Item.stick), "stickWood"); i added replacements.put(new ItemStack(Item.leather), "itemLeather"); when compiling you will get two file in net\minecraftforge\oredict thouse should be added inside the minecraft.jar then you simple load you mod as normal and everything runs smoothly and when forge comes with an update for the leather you simple skip that step
  2. Cause my mod is about adding a new item that you can use as leather it is Cork leather that is made out of cork from trees.
  3. hmh, okey thank you any ways
  4. me too when i began this project So how would i add them if it was possible I know how to make it work if i may edit the forge files but then it wont load in the mods folder (the Ore Dictionary) how come? it's 2 line of code that i need to add in the forge Ore Dictionary. would there be another way to make my "leather" work as "leather" in the vanilla recipes and mod recipe's that require leather? or how would i make "my" forge Ore Dictionary file load?
  5. try this. i am on windows. Install MCP on let's say desktop. now inside that folder add forge so it is located in (%desktop%/mcp/forge/<forgefile>) now copy minecraft.jar into the jars folders in mcp (%desktop%//mcp/jars/minecraft.jar) run in mcp "decompile.bat" enter forge folder run "Install.cmd" run eclipse (should be in a folder for itself like (%desktop%/eclipse)) now when it ask for a workspace add the root of the eclipse inside the mcp folder (%desktop%/mcp/eclipse)
  6. Under what names Not even when i open up the Ore Dictionary file can i find anything about leather. the only thing i can find that is vanilla is logWood plankWood slabWood StairWood StickWood treeSapling treeLeaves oreGold oreIron oreDiamond oreRedstone oreEmerald No leather which is what i need.
  7. So lately i've been working on a mod and everything was going fine till i had to compile it I thought adding the Vannila item manualy to the net.minecraftforge.oredict.OreDictionary.java would work (which it did if i ran mc from eclipse) but when i compile it and install the mod the ore dictionary does not work. So how would i add a Vanilla item (leather to be specific) to the ore Dictionary?
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