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Everything posted by kiwnjey

  1. Hello, everyone. I'm in the midst of a build and need to create a perfect circle with a radius of 10 blocks. I'm finding it tricky to get the circle smooth and proportional. Does anyone have a formula or method for plotting out circles in Minecraft, especially for this size? How many blocks would I need for each quadrant to maintain the circular shape? Is there any tool which can help me?
  2. Hi, Minecraft community. I'm currently working on a project where I need to create a large, perfect circle. I'm aiming for a radius of about 15 blocks. Could anyone help me determine how many blocks I need to create this circle I'm using an online Minecraft circle maker, but it is not letting me use my height and width values. Also, any tips on how to get the curvature right without or with using any external tools, your advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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