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Everything posted by StormTiberius

  1. Well the issue has been resolved and it was because other mod inizialized BiomeGenBase before my mod was registered.
  2. There may be other ways to do this too, if you do this remember to register the event. @ForgeSubscribe @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void textureHook(TextureStitchEvent.Post event) { if (event.map.textureType == 0) { fluid.setIcons(fluidBlock.getBlockTextureFromSide(1)); } }
  3. After further investigation the event listener does work however it seems that the events that get fired in BiomeGenBase fire before mod gets registered.
  4. Hello, i have issues with replacing the default BiomeDecorator with custom one, i register the event listener with: Code: MinecraftForge.TERRAIN_GEN_BUS.register(new HighlandsEvent()); and the code: Code: @ForgeSubscribe public void onCreateDecorator(CreateDecorator event) { event.newBiomeDecorator = new HighlandsDecorator(event.biome); } Can someone verify if there is a bug in forge or if i am trying to code it incorrectly?
  5. The way i have managed to get it done is by having custom worldchunkmanager in WorldType or WorldProvider depending if you are making dimension or a worldtype. The worldchunkmanager is mostly untouched it just points to the custom genLayer. The GenLayerBiome decides what biomes gets generated you should tell it where it can find your custom BiomeGenBase[] array. and remember to register your worldprovider or worldtype with forge too
  6. I would like to take advantage of the chunk constructor by xcompwiz that was added to forge 6 months or so ago however i am having trouble modifying the generateTerrain code for the new chunk constructor because it swaps the X and Y coordinate in order to make past the 128 height limit.
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