I tried to make a pastebin but it wouldnt let me so I'll send the log to anyone who wants on discord
The world generation hits 100% but stays there, ive waited over 20 minutes and its still there it just keeps repeating 11:56:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: WorldGenSettings: Value -1 outside of range [0:4096]; Value -1 outside of range [0:4096]
its not crashing or freezing
Also when i closed the game it said Can't keep up! Is the server overloaded? Running 64466673ms or 1289333 ticks behind
ive been troubleshooting for over two hours, my wife and i are trying to combine two horror mod packs. Ive tried to get rid of what i thought were dups but it still didnt work so i reverted it before sending it here and reloading it for a full log, im not even getting a crash report