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Everything posted by DJ_TRIST

  1. Republic of Avea - Java Minecraft Server Server IP: avea.mcpro.io:25565 Discord invite: https://discord.gg/dM7raPcPAv About Us: We are a new Minecraft server, showcasing the fictional city and world of Avea. The city originated 6 years ago on a survival world and now has its own dedicated server for the public to see and explore. Players can explore the world and even settle with a land claim courtesy of the WorldGuard plugin. Mythical creatures populate certain areas as part of the Royal Armada, players can gear up and collect Royal Gems, the primary currency, upgrade gear and weapons and take out the various mythical bosses at the player built mob arenas! The main builds on the server include Ario City (the capital of Avea), Barracks, Wonka's factory (spawn) and more! Plugins included are there to enhance the experience, we have WorldGuard, Economy, Mythic Mobs, Shopkeepers, Dynamic map and others! Theme: Avea boasts many naval airships, the in-house design having been improved for the past 6 years! You can even request for one these to be copied for your own base and enjoyment! Host: Our server is hosted on a dedicated hosting service. Processor is an AMD Epyc 7351P 2.9ghz, Anti DDOS L3/L4, dedicated IP, NVME, plenty of RAM. Up to 50 players at once. The earlier you join the better! We are expanding and evolving, adding to the server on a daily basis!
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