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A tired guy

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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. That's a horrible solution. What If it gets dropped or the same item is used several times?
  2. Let's say I have created an item, after I use it, it will do a certain action, for example, spawning particles on the player's position over the span of 20 ticks, without the use button being held down by the player. How would that be done?
  3. I have made a post shader with all of it's files (in post and program) being finished, it's just an edited creeper post shader for now. How do I load it ingame? Minecraft.getInstance().gameRenderer.loadEffect(new ResourceLocation("thedefused:shaders/post/creep.json")); This just gives an error due to it trying to find program in minecraft:shaders/program However, I have seen multiple mods use post shaders. how?
  4. Let's say I want an explosion or critical hit particle with 2 times the scale, without creating a whole new particle, I saw some discussions that it is possible in earlier versions, however, those methods are outdated, how do I do that now?
  5. As I said in the first message, I want to check if a block even has such type of a property nvm found a solution
  6. This will only work on that specific block's property.
  7. Say if I want to check if a block has an AGE property, how would that be done with any block? Not an AGE property of a singular block. Specifically if a block even has such a property.
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