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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. http://jan.blocknet.net/ForgeModLoader-server-0-new.log I looked at the new log file and there was sth about an ender bee and the dragon egg at forestry.apiculture.FlowerProviderEnd.isAcceptedFlower(FlowerProviderEnd.java:18) so i removed the ender bee i had in an alveary in this world and now it seems to work again the server did not crash when i was in a different age because the area with the alveary was the only one which was not chunkloaded...
  2. No because this would delete the blocks from the world. there are some errors with the ic2 api so it might be sth related to ic2.
  3. Two days ago I updated about 1/2 of all mods and whenever I enter my main base now which is a void age the server lags and stops working after a few moments. The problem only occures if I enter my main base/void age (it is chunkloaded) with all my machines from IC2/TE/AE... If I wait like 10 minutes then the server stops completly with some errors I don't understand. http://jan.blocknet.net/ForgeModLoader-server-0.log Mods installed: BechillTPS-universal-v0.5.0.1.zip TConstruct_1.3.3.13.jar ChickenChunks ThermalExpansion- ComputerCraft1.53.zip Translocator EnderStorage appeng-rv10-n.zip Factorization-0.7.37.jar backpack-1.8.11-1.5.2.zip GravityGun1.5.0v2.zip buildcraft-A-3.6.0.jar IC2NuclearControl-1.5.1c.zip compactsolars-universal-1.5.2- InventoryTweaks-1.54b.jar extra-bees-1.6-pre13.jar MPSA-0.2.3-144_MPS-531+.jar extracells 1.1.1b (1.5.2).zip ModularPowersuits-0.7.0-534.jar forestry-A- More bows 1.5.2_1 Forge.jar iChunUtil1.0.1.zip OmniTools- industrialcraft-2_1.115.348-lf.jar PortalGun1.5.1.zip ironchest-universal-1.5.1- ProjectBench-v1.7.5.zip mod_zGraviSuite_1_9_2.zip Railcraft_1.5.2- mystcraft-uni-1.5.2- SoulShards-1.0.36-universal-srg.jar obsidiplates-1.5.2-universal- StevesCarts2.0.0.a114.zip twilightforest-1.18.0.zip Coremods installed: CoFHCore- CodeChickenCore 0.8.7.jar NotEnoughItems The server runs with the latest version of forge (737) thanks!
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