I believe, dont quote me on this, but it to do with the origin block placement of the tile entity, Thaumcraft has the issue with its scribing tools and i dont think it can be helped. The issue is when minecraft looks dfor blocks in view to render the origin block of the tile entity is not on the screen hence it srops rendering.
(this could be a load of rubbish but after looking through that is what i've found.)
Hey guys, yet again i am having more GUI issues. First off the slots are not in line with the gui, secondly shift clicking on items causes the game to crash.
my main GUI class is: https://github.com/dualitydub/CoffeeMod/blob/master/CoffeeMod-Common/coffeemod/containers/ContainerBrewer.java
(I wuold attach a picture but i cant upload attatchments apparently.)
Sorry. i forgot to link to my github repo: https://github.com/dualitydub/CoffeeMod/blob/master/CoffeeMod-Common/coffeemod/blocks/BlockBrewer.java
The line which is causing the errors is line 160
Hey guys, i am having an issue with Entity_items, i read a post and people said they solved it but posted no explanation so im looking for some help.
The line is: entity_item.item.setTagCompound((NBTTagCompound) item.getTagCompound().copy());
The error i am getting: "item cannot be resolved or is not a field"
Hope to hear from someone soon
I did this and it has not changed anything, is it something to do with how im getting the metadata in the renderer?
I have done this in the BlockBrewer class but it still will not rotate.
public void onBlockPlacedBy(World world, int x, int y, int z, EntityLiving entityLiving)
int dir = MathHelper.floor_double((double)((entityLiving.rotationYaw * 4F) / 360F) + 0.5D) & 3;
world.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(x, y, z, dir, 0);
Im probably missing something stupid
I have fixed the rendering issue but i am now having a problem making the tile entity or indeed the block itself face the player when placed. there may be something very silly that i have missed as i am relatively new to modding.
Same links as above apply.
(edit) i am looking into making a custom tile entity renderer to face this problem.
i am writing this to ask for assistance from anyone who knows GL11 better than I. I am having an issue getting my tile entity to render in the world. I have followed a tutorial to fix this but have had no luck.
My main repo folder is: https://github.com/dualitydub/CoffeeMod/tree/master/CoffeeMod-Common/coffeemod
And the specific GL11 strings are here: https://github.com/dualitydub/CoffeeMod/blob/master/CoffeeMod-Common/coffeemod/blocks/TileEntityBrewerRenderer.java
If someone could help me with this issue i would greatly appreciate it,