As well all know in minecraft inventory items (that can have more then 1 item amount) show a number once there amount goes above 1 (3 for the acacia plank for example) as shown below:
now im trying to not render the item amount I found the following way I could maybe do that:
public class CustomItemRenderer extends ItemRenderer{
public CustomItemRenderer(TextureManager textureManagerIn, ModelManager modelManagerIn, ItemColors itemColorsIn) {
super(textureManagerIn, modelManagerIn, itemColorsIn);
public void renderItemOverlayIntoGUI(FontRenderer fr, ItemStack stack, int xPosition, int yPosition, @Nullable String text) {
if (stack.getCount() > 1) {
super.renderItemOverlayIntoGUI(fr, stack, xPosition, yPosition, text);
when I hover over renderItemOverlayIntoGUI I get the following tooltip in intelij:
public void renderItemOverlayIntoGUI(
Font Renderer fr,
@NotNull » ItemStack stack,
int position,
int position,
@Nullable String text
From class: ItemRenderer
Renders the stack size and/or damage bar for the
given ItemStack.
which shows me what I want, to to not render the stack size. but I have no clue how to register this class since it has a super as follows:
public CustomItemRenderer(TextureManager textureManagerIn, ModelManager modelManagerIn, ItemColors itemColorsIn) {
super(textureManagerIn, modelManagerIn, itemColorsIn);