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Posts posted by Barabulka

  1. Hi! I'm following Kaupenjoe's guide and making an entity, and I get a problem where two animations mix into one when my entity walks - idle  anim plays together with walking. As I'm pretty new into coding and modding, I don't know everything about what I do following his guide and I'd like to set up animations in specific way:

    1. When entity is doing nothing, idle animation plays;

    2. When entity is walking, only walk animation is playing

    Here's the code for this entity's animations, it only has 2 at the moment. What should I fix here to get the result I need?

        public final AnimationState idleAnimationState = new AnimationState();
        private int idleAnimationTimeout = 0;
        public void tick() {
        private void setupAnimationStates() {
            if(this.idleAnimationTimeout <= 0) {
                this.idleAnimationTimeout = this.random.nextInt(40) + 80;
            } else {
        protected  void updateWalkAnimation(float pPartialTick) {
            float f;
            if(this.getPose() == Pose.STANDING) {
                f = Math.min(pPartialTick * 6F, 1f);
            } else {
                f = 0f;
            this.walkAnimation.update(f, 0.2f);

    Hopefully I got into right forum topic, I'm not very used to forum posting xDD


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