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Everything posted by ANtonYL

  1. Hi, guys, is there any way to auto-grant a root advancement whenever the player logs in? I've tried using minecraft:tick and InventoryChangeTrigger, but the first one doesn't work, and the second one doesn't guarantee a log-in-grant. I'm using 1.20.1 public class ModAdvancementGenerator implements ForgeAdvancementProvider.AdvancementGenerator { @Override public void generate(HolderLookup.Provider registries, Consumer<Advancement> saver, ExistingFileHelper existingFileHelper) { // Define a root advancement. Advancement root = Advancement.Builder.advancement() .display( ModItems.COMPRESSED_DIAMOND.get(), // Icon Component.literal("Compressed"), // Title Component.literal("Explore Compressed tools and armor!"), // Description new ResourceLocation("compressed","textures/block/compressed_diamond_block.png"), // Background image (null if not used) FrameType.TASK, // Frame type (TASK, GOAL, or CHALLENGE) true, // Show toast? true, // Announce in chat? false // Hidden? ) /* .addCriterion("tick", new InventoryChangeTrigger.TriggerInstance()); ????????????????????????????????????????????????????? */ // Notice we now pass the advancement ID as a string (the path part) plus the existingFileHelper. .save(saver, new ResourceLocation("compressed","compressed_root_advancement"), existingFileHelper); } }
  2. Hi, I'm trying to add a chance for the LootTableIdCondition. I've tried to manipulate the AddItemModifier class, but it still doesn't work: public class AddItemModifier extends LootModifier { public static final Supplier<Codec<AddItemModifier>> CODEC = Suppliers.memoize(() -> RecordCodecBuilder.create(inst -> codecStart(inst).and(ForgeRegistries.ITEMS.getCodec() .fieldOf("item").forGetter(m -> m.item)) .and(Codec.FLOAT.fieldOf("chance").forGetter(m -> m.chance)) .apply(inst, AddItemModifier::new))); private final Item item; public AddItemModifier(LootItemCondition[] conditionsIn, Item item) { super(conditionsIn); this.item = item; } @Override protected @NotNull ObjectArrayList<ItemStack> doApply(ObjectArrayList<ItemStack> generatedLoot, LootContext context) { if(context.getRandom().nextFloat() < chance) { generatedLoot.add(new ItemStack(this.item)); } for(LootItemCondition condition : this.conditions) { if(!condition.test(context)) { return generatedLoot; } } generatedLoot.add(new ItemStack(this.item)); return generatedLoot; } @Override public Codec<? extends IGlobalLootModifier> codec() { return CODEC.get(); } } the only problem is the two "chance" are not defined, but when I add a private final Float chance, the AddItemModifier::new is in red underline, and there's an error. Is there a way to solve this, or is there another better way to add a chance to chest loot modifiers?
  3. Thank you so much. Also, is it possible to make the name of the sword constantly changing colors and show "+infinity attack damage "?
  4. How can I add drops when killing an entity? Now there are no drops. How can I add an @override to change the attack speed to 1.6 and show "when in main hand...attack damage,...attack speed"? also, how can I make the item enchantable?
  5. Ok. Thanks. by the way, will this crash in any circumstances? public boolean onLeftClickEntity(ItemStack stack, Player player, Entity entity) { if (entity instanceof LivingEntity){ LivingEntity victim = (LivingEntity) entity; if(!victim.isDeadOrDying() && victim.getHealth()>0){ victim.setHealth(0); return true; } } return false; }
  6. Hi, can anybody tell me what's wrong? public class SoulDrinkerItem extends Item { public SoulDrinkerItem(Properties pProperties) { super(pProperties); } @Override public boolean onLeftClickEntity(ItemStack stack, Player player, Entity entity) { if (entity instanceof Player){ Player victim = (Player) entity; if(!victim.isDeadOrDying() && victim.getHealth()>0){ victim.setHealth(0); return true; } } return false; } @Override public void setDamage(ItemStack stack, int damage) { super.setDamage(stack, 0); } } The code above is the custom item class. I'm trying to make a Sword-of-the-Cosmos-like item that basically does .setHealth(0) for every single entity it hits. When I go into the game, the attack damage is just 1.
  7. Hi, I'm trying to use datagen to create json files in my own mod. This is my ModRecipeProvider class. public class ModRecipeProvider extends RecipeProvider implements IConditionBuilder { public ModRecipeProvider(PackOutput pOutput) { super(pOutput); } @Override protected void buildRecipes(Consumer<FinishedRecipe> pWriter) { ShapedRecipeBuilder.shaped(RecipeCategory.MISC, ModBlocks.COMPRESSED_DIAMOND_BLOCK.get()) .pattern("SSS") .pattern("SSS") .pattern("SSS") .define('S', ModItems.COMPRESSED_DIAMOND.get()) .unlockedBy(getHasName(ModItems.COMPRESSED_DIAMOND.get()), has(ModItems.COMPRESSED_DIAMOND.get())) .save(pWriter); ShapelessRecipeBuilder.shapeless(RecipeCategory.MISC, ModItems.COMPRESSED_DIAMOND.get(),9) .requires(ModBlocks.COMPRESSED_DIAMOND_BLOCK.get()) .unlockedBy(getHasName(ModBlocks.COMPRESSED_DIAMOND_BLOCK.get()), has(ModBlocks.COMPRESSED_DIAMOND_BLOCK.get())) .save(pWriter); ShapedRecipeBuilder.shaped(RecipeCategory.MISC, ModItems.COMPRESSED_DIAMOND.get()) .pattern("SSS") .pattern("SSS") .pattern("SSS") .define('S', Blocks.DIAMOND_BLOCK) .unlockedBy(getHasName(ModItems.COMPRESSED_DIAMOND.get()), has(ModItems.COMPRESSED_DIAMOND.get())) .save(pWriter); } } When I try to run the runData client, it shows an error: Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Duplicate recipe compressed:compressed_diamond I know that it's caused by the fact that there are two recipes for the ModItems.COMPRESSED_DIAMOND. But I need both of these recipes, because I need a way to craft ModItems.COMPRESSED_DIAMOND_BLOCK and restore 9 diamond blocks from ModItems.COMPRESSED_DIAMOND. Is there a way to solve this?
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