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Everything posted by tarig

  1. Looks like the best way to do this is use a B3D model, I'll see what I can dig up.
  2. I understand that a triangle is just a quad with one point repeated. The issue here is, can I create a json model that will produce it, without a custom loader. If so how, if not where to start with the custom loader.
  3. Hey guys, I am working on adding slopes into 1.8 and I want to challenge myself to use the new model system, to allow for easier swapping of shapes. Problem is I can't find a way to load triangles using the built in json loaders. I know there is a way to override the loaders but I would rather not if possible and if not I have no idea how to start writing one. TL;DR How can I create json files with triangle faces? Thanks T
  4. Yea i'm just geussing here because I can't find it either but I do know that after:* works this should help a little bit. http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/how-do-i-specify-when-my-mod-loads.13910/
  5. I can help with the @forgesubscribe, just ensure that your postinit function has forgePostinitevent as an argument and that will work as your post init function. check this out for a more update tutorial if you haven't http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1854988-tutorial-162-changing-vanilla-without-editing-base-classes-coremods-and-events-very-advanced/
  6. think you put in your @mod definition dependencies="before:*"
  7. Is there a way to have an item with a certain NBT tag produce a different item from another instance of the same item? example forestry has a stairblock with a WoodType NBTtag of type int, I need single stair of WoodType= 0 to produce a larch slope and woodType= 1 produce a Teak slope.
  8. OK i'm looking through the code for buildcraft but I can't find exactly where it knows what icon to display on the block. Is there a tutorial out there for using TileEntities to create sub blocks?
  9. Hi I am working on updating the Slimevoid slopes mod to 1.5.2 and gotten everything working so far. What I want to do is compress the mod to less than 200 or so block IDS. I can get rid of 2/5 s by combining two types of blocks into one, with metadata range 0-7/8-15 being translated to 0/1 damge respectively but I've seen build craft have a Ton of blocks with a single ID. I am wondering if someone would enlightening me in how to do this?
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