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Everything posted by Evanski

  1. Hello, Im beginning to learn how to mod with forge, I previously was messing around with spigot but wanted to switch from plugins to full fledged modding. I'm trying to make a recipe for turning a block into charcoal ShapedRecipeBuilder.shaped(RecipeCategory.MISC, ModItems.CHARCOAL_BLOCK_ITEM.get()) .pattern("CCC") .pattern("CCC") .pattern("CCC") .define('C', Items.CHARCOAL) .unlockedBy(getHasName(Items.CHARCOAL), has(Items.CHARCOAL)) .save(pRecipeOutput); This is under an Override build Recipes class and registered with data gen However I get this error that I don't understand the reason behind why I'm getting it This removes the normal recipe of smelting any wood log into charcoal, but my custom recipe is there and works Any help with the proper way of doing this and solving this issue is appreciated ps: Is the only way to make recipes with forge is through Minecraft's datapack system?? Am I to belive that Spigot has a better implementation of custom recipes then Forge, a Mod API??
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