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Samaka last won the day on August 25

Samaka had the most liked content!

1 Follower

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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. I made a horror modpack with my friends months ago, when I was on Windows, with the same mods, it ran fine, but now I'm on Arch Linux and with the same mods, it won't run for some reason, here's the log https://paste.ee/p/zheo3 and thanks :)
  2. I made a modpack with like 250 mods and when I create a world, the message Datapack Validation Failed pops up, and when I go to the datapacks, barely any datapacks are there, here's the log https://mclo.gs/T6mcYO7. The same error may pop up in the last part of the log but that's because I accidentally triggered the error more than once.
  3. I made a modpack with like 250 mods and when I create a world, the message Datapack Validation Failed pops up, and when I go to the datapacks, barely any datapacks are there, here's the log https://mclo.gs/T6mcYO7. The same error may pop up in the last part of the log but that's because I accidentally triggered the error more than once.
  4. I fixed the crash but epic fight and weapons of miracles are crashing the game, i deleted WoM and trying to fix Epic Fight
  5. https://hastebin.com/share/naxelamixe.perl is the crash log, do I send the mod list?
  6. So I asked my friend if I remove Epic Fight and he said yes, so I removed it and the issue is fixed. Thank you so much and I'm so sorry for wasting your time
  7. Ok thank you so much, I'm so sorry
  8. Still the same issue. https://hastebin.com/share/atiganojam.scss
  9. What if I delete one of them?
  10. https://ibb.co/hgNNPNC https://ibb.co/nQLtVdB https://ibb.co/FbCYr9x https://ibb.co/Bcx8ZVT https://ibb.co/qx1B8Nc https://ibb.co/pb7mnRd
  11. No, the rectangle text is still present. Do I send the latest log?
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