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Samaka last won the day on August 25 2024

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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. I did it all and disabled the mods that caused the original error for now, but I have this https://pastebin.com/tL1jCEai now (the current mods are almost all the mods in the modpack now)
  2. Sorry, but I have these errors now https://pastebin.com/kLu3ucHV, I disabled Embeddium, EMF, and ETF and the same exact errors appear
  3. While putting the mods, i encountered this error https://pastebin.com/j24SbCaq, the thing is that Cold Sweat is a very important mod for the pack, so i can't remove it
  4. So do I use a modpack like ATM9, delete the mods, and launch it with the mods of my modpack?
  5. I made it, so do I just move it to there?
  6. It's the exact same without, sorry for the late response
  7. [10:14:44] [main/ERROR]:Mixin config mixins.delightfulburgers.json does not specify "minVersion" property [10:14:45] [main/ERROR]:Mixin config emi_loot.mixins.json does not specify "minVersion" property [10:14:45] [main/ERROR]:Mixin config entity_model_features.mixins.json does not specify "minVersion" property [10:14:45] [main/ERROR]:Mixin config geckoanimfix.forge.mixins.json does not specify "minVersion" property [10:14:45] [main/ERROR]:Mixin config mixins.delightfulsandwich.json does not specify "minVersion" property https://pastebin.com/sFkpG9Pf is the full log
  8. I made a horror modpack with my friends months ago, when I was on Windows, with the same mods, it ran fine, but now I'm on Arch Linux and with the same mods, it won't run for some reason, here's the log https://paste.ee/p/zheo3 and thanks :)
  9. I made a modpack with like 250 mods and when I create a world, the message Datapack Validation Failed pops up, and when I go to the datapacks, barely any datapacks are there, here's the log https://mclo.gs/T6mcYO7. The same error may pop up in the last part of the log but that's because I accidentally triggered the error more than once.
  10. I made a modpack with like 250 mods and when I create a world, the message Datapack Validation Failed pops up, and when I go to the datapacks, barely any datapacks are there, here's the log https://mclo.gs/T6mcYO7. The same error may pop up in the last part of the log but that's because I accidentally triggered the error more than once.
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