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  1. I am learning how to create my first mod. I have followed the first page of the following tutorial up to the Building and Testing Your Mod section: https://docs.minecraftforge.net/en/1.20.x/gettingstarted/ The Config.java class that is bundled in the MDK download uses the ResourceLocation.java class in two locations: private static boolean validateItemName(final Object obj) { return obj instanceof final String itemName && ForgeRegistries.ITEMS.containsKey(new ResourceLocation(itemName)); // <----- } /* ... */ static void onLoad(final ModConfigEvent event) { /* ... */ items = ITEM_STRINGS.get().stream() .map(itemName -> ForgeRegistries.ITEMS.getValue(new ResourceLocation(itemName))) // <----- .collect(Collectors.toSet()); } However, new ResourceLocation is underlined red on my Intellij IDE, with this popup when hovered on: 'ResourceLocation(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)' has private access in 'net.minecraft.resources.ResourceLocation' With this being RecourceLocation's constructor private ResourceLocation(String p_135811_, String p_135812_) { assert isValidNamespace(p_135811_); assert isValidPath(p_135812_); this.namespace = p_135811_; this.path = p_135812_; } In addition, this is the error that pops up while running the build task error: constructor ResourceLocation in class ResourceLocation cannot be applied to given types; return obj instanceof final String itemName && ForgeRegistries.ITEMS.containsKey(new ResourceLocation(itemName)); ^ required: String,String found: String What steps would I have to follow to follow to fix this?
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