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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. Posted wrong info before (Item.skull, X, Y) X = Amount to be used Y = Skull Id (Meta Data) Y is interchangeable with 0 = Skeleton Skull 1 = Wither skull 2 = Zombie Skull 3 = Char Skull 4 = Creeper Skull
  2. nevertheless I thank you for your input. And furthermore I fell the tutorials I find are not clear for me.
  3. Thank you, I just wanted to find this stuff easier how ignorant of myself.
  4. So I need help with Forge modding and here are my question for those more knowlegable. How to add lore to items How to add enchantments to items How to render a Techne model as a item and block Thanks to all who help or provide insight! No need to solve them all at once.
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