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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. added a few more and it re-broke lol. Any help with this crash report? last time promise haha https://gist.github.com/it-is-allie/e7297a2485d05ce58c6303b3751a36f2
  2. Im so sorry! i thought i had tried the minecrads fix but i reread over our convo and just tried and they all finally loaded! But now when i try to create the world it crashes. im assuming it just needs more ram
  3. here is without glitchcore https://gist.github.com/it-is-allie/3112844171761256767fb5a88fc4778c heres with adding it back in https://gist.github.com/it-is-allie/bdf1dce21e011dee3d9a76ece5168e70 seriously lost on what the issue is lol
  4. yeah I believe so, its been something deep with the modpack I'm guessing. ill fix each error it states if its saying to replace or download a mod but I'm not sure where to go from here. I have been spending days and have yet to find the issue
  5. https://gist.github.com/it-is-allie/dca4f60822965496bbe9877088415663 im new to all this sorry haha I think that's what you wanted?
  6. https://gist.github.com/it-is-allie/29645c4fb5c7131ad30181769a37d12f There is my latest crash report. I've spent probably 5 hours messing with modpacks and have gotten it almost complete but it then randomly crashes before loading all the mods? I'm not even sure. if anyone could help it would be greatly appreciated.
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