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  1. By God, it worked. I'm.. in tears. Over the internet it wont be easily conveyed, but I'm deeply grateful to you. I got back into both world. As this happened with two modpacks it will probably happen again, but now I know what to do. You've made my week. Thanks ^^
  2. Here's the newest crash: https://pastebin.com/mumDeWzW Seems to have something to do with JEI Also delete that server file? Also the newest log: https://pastebin.com/ATH8dbWc
  3. Thanks. Found and deleted it, but it doesn't change anything. When joining a new file is created, the screen freezes/ does not respond in typical manner and I have to close it then. I deleted it in curseforge>minecraft>instances>Modpack>saves>World>serverconfig Should I have deleted it anywhere else?
  4. Hello, thank you very much for the reply. I couldn't find in the new or old modpack a curios-server.toml in the config folder. The only thing with server is the comforts-server.toml and the only thing with curios the curios-client and -common.toml
  5. Another crash report for my new world: https://pastebin.com/Lwzk1Ga8 Also interesting that between the two mod-packs nearly all the same assets are affected.
  6. After reading through the logs numerous times I've think I've narrowed down the main problems. For some reason numerous .json files seem to be missing. (Edit: Pardon, most can't be read) Something about firemerald making problems (but I never installed firemerald). And in the crash reports richiesprojectilelib making problems (also something I never manually installed). I don't know how to solve these problems, hopefully someone more experienced can do something with this.
  7. Tested around a little, as I've said above when I create a new world in the same instance it does not have the same problem as my survival world. Even if I copy and rename my world the problem persists. Could it be that my world is corrupted or something? On a thread where someone had a similar issue it was recommended to delete a JEI file, would that work here, too? Is there anything I can do to continue in this world? Edit: After a bit more looking I found that the game runs Java 17.0.8 but yesterday, right before the problem happened, the java control panel says it updated to the "newest" version. Is there any relation? Edit 2: Experimented in a new world, loaded fine, did stuff for 20min, tried to safe game, got exit code -1 Crash report can be found here: https://pastebin.com/X5PrfvCq I do not know what is happening and if its related. I'd very much appreciate help. Have a nice day.
  8. Hello, I've posted about this a few days ago but after getting no response tried to live with my world being gone, created a new mod pack and started playing. But the same issue happened again. I first noted in-game that a few essential recipes were missing in JEI, saved&quit and rejoined the world. But that didn't work. After going through the logs I found the following: mods.toml files are missing. I don't know what that means, but the 4 things listed sound pretty essential. An example for another problem is this: Many .json's are unreadable. Probably because the stuff listed above is missing. Also many problems with "firemerald". I don't remember downloading this, but the logs list it repeatedly: Something interesting: All in all many missing assets. I didn't do anything while playing. I don't know how all this stuff seems to go missing and what to do against it. The log can be found here: https://pastebin.com/95FqNLDx and the crash-report here: https://pastebin.com/aMBKD0B2 It feels like my forge is broken and I need help. Old post: OpenJDK Platform binary does not react, world does not load (new test world cannot save, then exitcode -1) Hello there, since two hours my single player world had the problem of not loading when started. There is no loading percentage nor loading animation. As soon as I click on the screen it goes blank and does not react. When I try to close the window I get the prompt "OpenJDK Platform binary does not react" with the options to wait or close. Waiting does nothing after 10min so I close. When I create a new world with my modpack it does not have the same problem, works fine, game starts, etc. I played in my world for 40 hours, had no similar problems. It seems to be something new and specific to my world. I did not find anything useful online and hope that you might be able to help me. The exit code is -805306369, the last log can be found at https://pastebin.com/EDEV26N9 and the crash-report at https://pastebin.com/0Txg28r1 I really hope you can help me, as I do not know what I did differently/wrong to suddenly have this problem.
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