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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. @Jonathing Seems as if it cannot find the mapping for the mod. Maybe it has something to do with me not having a linked repository to my mod page?
  2. Thanks, I'll try that!
  3. I need to find out the best way to find the best way to apply mapping to my decompiled mod that I lost the dev environment for. Do too an unfortunate hard drive failure and me forgetting to make a GitHub repository. Is there an easier way to get these mapping applied than manually doing them?
  4. Oh I forgot to update the title. I figured out the issue and I'm rather embarrassed to say that it was a file path issue. The game already knew I was accessing the achievements so I wasn't suppose to include advancements in the file path. Minecraft file paths have always confused me a little bit... ResourceLocation advancementId = new ResourceLocation( TheDeadRise.MODID,"adventure/spawntrigger");
  5. @Xoroshio Thanks, I honestly forgot that I was going to have this feature in my mod.
  6. public SetPlayerSpawn(Player player, BlockPos Pos) { ServerPlayer Server_Player = (ServerPlayer) player; Server_Player.setRespawnPosition(Server_Player.getRespawnDimension(), Pos, 0.0F, true, true); ResourceLocation advancementId = new ResourceLocation( TheDeadRise.MODID,"advancements:spawntrigger"); Advancement advancement = Server_Player.getServer().getAdvancements().getAdvancement(advancementId); AdvancementProgress progress = Server_Player.getAdvancements().getOrStartProgress(advancement); for (String criterion : progress.getRemainingCriteria()) { Server_Player.getAdvancements().award(advancement, criterion); } if(advancement == null) { Server_Player.sendSystemMessage(Component.literal("shit is not working")); } else { Server_Player.sendSystemMessage(Component.literal("shit is sorta working")); } } I'm trying to figure out if I'm doing something wrong with the resource location or something else. It's a simple problem, but I keep running into issues. Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated! Also the game is not crashing at all if advancement is null.
  7. Hello, I want to be able to give the player an item on join but can't figure out how to actually give the player the item. I have the player join event set up, and just need help with the giving the player an item, please and thankyou
  8. I've been at this for a day now and still can't get a custom entity of the zombie class to summon back up. I've tried this by spawning the entity but can get the top block position. Then I tried using the zombie spawn reinforcements method, but cant get the entity to spawn any back up at all?
  9. I've been at this for a day now and still can't get a custom entity of the zombie class to summon back up. I've tried this by spawning the entity but can get the top block position. Then I tried using the zombie spawn reinforcements method, but cant get the entity to spawn any back up at all?
  10. I've been making a mod with a separate difficulty screen and created a config file for it, but I can seem to get the config file to load before the mob attributes.
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