Your issue is not the same. The issue in this thread is combining two textures for a SPECIFIC CUSTOM BLOCK. Your issue is drawing on overlay on ALL BLOCKS.
Well, maybe it's not the same but I'm stuck for a long time and like some advice.
I would like to do almost exactly the same, but not for entire classes of blocks, but for individual blocks. Independent of their type.
For example: The block located at x, y, z (1, 2, 3). How can I add an overlay to this block?
I know that I can change the block using setBlock(). However, I do not want to change the block ID.
Can anyone help me?
Which of my questions did you answer?
I'm not that familiar with the drawing process in Minecraft. I've tried some things, but its still vague to me. How do I draw a cube around a specific block location?
So I would add entities for each plot and make them appear only if the player pressed P? Then they appear to be blocks? Wouldn't drawing cubes using OpenGL be easier?
I understand that you really think I shouldn't use commands. Well, I was planning to extend the Mod of course and this would be my first step into the next direction. I like to take small steps. Also, I'm not that new to programming. I'm just not that used to making Minecraft Mods (yet).
Now I hope my question is a bit more clear and it would be nice if someone could point me into the right direction. I've heard about TileEntities, adding Mobs, Drawing blocks over blocks, etc. I don't really know which way to go. I mean, I'd probably find out. It's just that I prefer asking for advice prior to reinventing the wheel
Yes, that is all working. I'm using commands to do that:
My question is purely about how to display these protected blocks differently.
My case is very simple:
I simply have the locations of blocks which are protected stored. For example:
X, Y, Z
50, 50, 50
50, 51, 51
51, 50, 51
Then when the Mayor presses P, these protected blocks will highlight. And when he presses P again they will return to normal. The blocks stay the same, it's just the way the user sees them that changes.
I think there will be a problem with this. I only want the client to see the protected area highlighted and not the server. Only the Major should have access to this feature of displaying protected areas.
The first attempt I did was replacing Block ID's client side which pretty much did the job. However, my console started throwing lots and lots of errors about wrong synchronization between client and server. That's why I would actually prefer to not change anything gameplay related. I would prefer to just like draw another block that is a little bit bigger over the other block like redria7 said using OpenGL. Wouldn't that be a bit more neat and also better?
If I would take that route, I just have to know how to draw a block at that particular point and then increase its size a bit. I know how to access OpenGL from Minecraft, but I don't know how to get the right position and draw a solid color cube right there.
Yeah I know, but it's still in Alpha state and for Minecraft 1.4.7. Couldn't wait and started
That sounds complicated, but I get your idea. Do you have any experience doing things like this? Personally, I've never spawned any mobs. I've tried to stop mobs from moving once, but didn't succeed.
Do I need to create a custom mob for this? How can I spawn and kill a mob? And how can I remove its texture?
Thank you guys for replying!
Well basically, I'm writing a mod that features Area Protection and I would like to highlight the protected areas in red. So I would like to make an partly transparent overlay over all the blocks that are protected. No matter what type of block they are.
So I do know which blocks (x, y, z) I would like to replace, but the Custom Render function in Forge is (I think) only designed to override block renderers per block type, not per individual block.
I would love to not use this Custom Render function and instead draw some overlay in OpenGL for example. I just don't really know where to start with this.