Thank you for the code, but where would I insert it? The BlockPortal class? And would I just copy and paste the method into the class or would I take out one method and replace it with this one?
It's a static method, put it wherever you want. And don't replace anything with it.
Okay. So I typed in the teleport code and made the DimChange class(thank you again for the codes), but how do I call this method when the player enters the portal?
Here is a snipit of the BlockPortal class:
public void onEntityCollidedWithBlock(World par1World, int par2, int par3,
int par4, Entity par5Entity) {
if (par5Entity.ridingEntity == null
&& par5Entity.riddenByEntity == null) {
Can you help me with getting the player to enter the correct dimension? Once again, thank you SOOOOOO much for your help so far. And Im sorry for being such a code n00b.