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Tree Puncher

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  1. Thank you so very much! You saved me from pulling my hair out! Have a great day/night!
  2. You are my hero! It does indeed work without Optifine! Thank you! Will the ones you suggested work with Sildur's Shaders?
  3. I got it to work somewhat, after 3 days, but now, after finally adding mods, it ran fine for a bit, & now is continually crashing on start with a -1 error. Here is the crash report. I am probably missing it, but I don't see where it is pointing to any mod or even a Forge issue for that matter. Not sure what is happening. https://mclo.gs/xFTAG7f
  4. I have been researching this issue for days & about to give up. I have tried both Forge 47.3.0 & 47.3.7. I have uninstalled & reinstalled Java. I have updated my drivers & rolled them back. I am NOT running any AMD devices, & yet it still crashes immediately upon startup with an Error 1. I see many, many people having this issue & all I see them being told is it is AMD drivers when so many of us do not have AMD. And no, I have not even installed the first mod yet. Was a fix ever found for this? Any suggestions other than it's an AMD issue? I would appreciate any guidance here.
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