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  1. it loaded now, and crashed again, here is the crash report, and the log: report: https://mclo.gs/jj6oENI and the log: https://mclo.gs/LEnrHqO
  2. yea, theres no crash report for this one, that one was te old one
  3. is it the issue? like, isnt it in a conflict with other mods? because the modpack's whole point is the Big Globe mod
  4. wait, so i sent the wrong one, i changed it to a forge modpack, something is off...
  5. Hi, I tried putting a Create Modpack together, it had issues, I was able to fix one, but it says duplicate mods found rubidium and embeddium, but there is only one file, idk what it detects, but it crashes. latest.log: https://mclo.gs/Xh9kko9 there is no crash report 😭 please somebody can help me?
  6. Not the same, but it still crashes (it launches, and crashes immediately) crash report: https://mclo.gs/PcaLILR latest.log: https://mclo.gs/d15we5X
  7. Hello, i updated my mudpack, and started it, but as soon as the Minecraft window appeared, it crashed. Can somebody help me? Here is the latest.log: https://mclo.gs/fWcI9bI and here is the crash report: https://mclo.gs/yQ8WYi2
  8. Really thank you its working now!
  9. If it works, youre a hero, you literally answered in one minute Im starting the game it doesn't work here is the log if you need it: https://mclo.gs/rwqJQMM
  10. Hi! I was making an MMO-RPG modpack, and it went well until it crashed, but idk why it DID NOT generated a crash report :(. So I can't provide it, but i can put in the latest.log. I just need help SOS because I need to finish this modpack. Please help me! Latest.log: https://mclo.gs/nL2yBFp
  11. Thanks, it s working right now!
  12. okay
  13. I made an optimization modpack, but when i start it, it just crashes immediately. I don't know whats the problem. Here is the crash report and the latest.log: Crash Report: api.mclo.gs/1/raw/nQ3j1sm Latest.Log: api.mclo.gs/1/raw/V5BLtA5 Edit: its working now :)
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