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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Hi, I'm trying to render a single quad in the world. I'm mixing into the ChestRenderer class. If I understand correctly, BufferSource#getBuffer opens a buffer according to the supplied RenderType (Quads with POSITION_COLOR in my case). Then, I can supply my vertices (a simple 1-block plane along the Z Axis) and close the buffer using BufferSource#endBatch for rendering. This is the code I'm using: @Inject(at = @At("TAIL"), method = "render(...)V") public void render(T blockEntity, float partialTick, PoseStack poseStack, MultiBufferSource multiBufferSource, int packedLight, int packedOverlay, CallbackInfo ci) { BlockPos pos = blockEntity.getBlockPos(); AABB box = new AABB(pos, pos.offset(1, 1, 1)); BufferSource buffer = Minecraft.getInstance().renderBuffers().bufferSource(); VertexConsumer consumer = buffer.getBuffer(RenderType.guiOverlay()); poseStack.pushPose(); poseStack.translate(-pos.getX(), -pos.getY(), -pos.getZ()); consumer.vertex(box.minX, box.maxY, box.minZ).color(1, 1, 1, 1).endVertex(); consumer.vertex(box.minX, box.maxY, box.maxZ).color(1, 1, 1, 1).endVertex(); consumer.vertex(box.minX, box.minY, box.maxZ).color(1, 1, 1, 1).endVertex(); consumer.vertex(box.minX, box.minY, box.minZ).color(1, 1, 1, 1).endVertex(); buffer.endBatch(RenderType.guiOverlay()); poseStack.popPose(); } However, the plane does not get rendered. However, if I replace those 4 vertices with a call to LevelRenderer#renderLineBox and set the RenderType to LINES, it works. Do I need something else to render planes other than the 4 edges of the quad? I used QUADS back in 1.8 where it was still the raw OpenGL type and it worked then. Or am I missing something else entirely? Thanks!
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