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Nuclear223 last won the day on September 16 2024

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  1. Update: I got rid of 2 mods and now the mod pack just works now it's a shame I had to get rid of those 2 but they weren't that important, thanks for trying to help (I don't know how to close or update this topic)
  2. I tried removing it now and it came up with a different error, I don't think Hammer Microblocks is 100% necessary so I might just keep it removed, but I want to find a way to keep the mods so instead of ending up having to remove a ton of mods is to be able to have them work together, the base modpack I was working off of was "The 1.12.2 pack" which has MOST of the mods that I got. Except Mekanism I think
  3. (Forge -, 1.12.2) ^But I can't find any answers to it, I'm very new to making a Modpack and so far this is the only error, problem being I don't know how to fix it or probably any future errors either but it's between Mekanism(Not Community Edition) and UniversalTweaks, I was planning on making this into a server too but if I can't even get the client version working I don't know how I'm going to do that, so far I've tried checking the Config folder and the Configs within but couldn't find anything so I looked a the .class files and de-compiled them to see if those had any answers and that didn't have anything either. Description: Initializing game java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot set property PropertyEnum{name=variant, clazz=class net.minecraft.block.BlockPlanks$EnumType, values=[acacia, dark_oak]} to oak on block minecraft:log2, it is not an allowed value https://paste.ee/p/Shyo5 Thanks
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