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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Hello guys : Im trying something else to sync my inventory data with the server so i wanted to use the PacketDistributor to achieve that : // ClientPayloadHandler.class public class ClientPayloadHandler { private static Logger LOGGER = LogUtils.getLogger(); public static void handleDataOnMain(final SplitData data, final IPayloadContext context) { LOGGER.debug("ClientPayloadHandler.handleDataOnMain data = {}", data); } } //ServerPayloadHandler public class ServerPayloadHandler { private static Logger LOGGER = LogUtils.getLogger(); public static void handleDataOnMain(final SplitData data, final IPayloadContext context) { LOGGER.debug("ServerPayloadHandler.handleDataOnMain data = {}", data); } } // My Custon Data.class public record SplitData(int splitSize, int remainingSize) implements CustomPacketPayload { public static final CustomPacketPayload.Type<SplitData> TYPE = new CustomPacketPayload.Type<>(ResourceLocation.fromNamespaceAndPath("perfect_stack_splitter", "split_data")); public static final StreamCodec<ByteBuf, SplitData> STREAM_CODEC = StreamCodec.composite(ByteBufCodecs.VAR_INT, SplitData::splitSize, ByteBufCodecs.VAR_INT, SplitData::remainingSize, SplitData::new); @Override public CustomPacketPayload.Type<? extends CustomPacketPayload> type() { return TYPE; } } //Register event @SubscribeEvent public static void register(final RegisterPayloadHandlersEvent event) { final PayloadRegistrar registrar = event.registrar("1"); registrar.playBidirectional( SplitData.TYPE, SplitData.STREAM_CODEC, new DirectionalPayloadHandler<>( ClientPayloadHandler::handleDataOnMain, ServerPayloadHandler::handleDataOnMain ) ); } when i shoot this : private void onConfirm() { int maxStackSize = stack.getMaxStackSize(); int carriedStackSize = Math.min(slider.getValueInt(), maxStackSize); int totalLeft = totalSize - carriedStackSize; ItemStack carriedStack = new ItemStack(stack.getItem(), carriedStackSize); carriedStack.setCount((int) slider.getValue()); player.containerMenu.setCarried(carriedStack); stack.setCount(totalSize - carriedStackSize); PacketDistributor.sendToServer(new SplitData(carriedStackSize, totalLeft)); this.minecraft.setScreen(previous); } im getting Payload perfect_stack_splitter:split_data may not be sent to the server! did i miss something ? my goal is i wanna persist the setCount ...etc im my inventory to the server
  2. Hello everyone So my issue is here : private void onConfirm() { int maxStackSize = stack.getMaxStackSize(); int carriedStackSize = Math.min(slider.getValueInt(), maxStackSize); int totalLeft = totalSize - carriedStackSize; ItemStack carriedStack = new ItemStack(stack.getItem(), carriedStackSize); carriedStack.setCount((int) slider.getValue()); player.containerMenu.setCarried(carriedStack); stack.setCount(totalSize - carriedStackSize); // player.containerMenu.broadcastChanges(); with and without, same issue this.minecraft.setScreen(previous); } i have this block of logic, the thing is it does the trick "visually" but instantly when i click on a slot everything goes back as first, i tried also to use player.containerMenu.broadcastChanges(); but it didnt help too what should i use from AbstractContainer or something to be able the sync those values in server side thanks a lot in advance
  3. Hi everyone, I'm working on a mod where I need to display a custom GUI on top of the inventory screen that includes a slider. The goal is to allow the player to select a number using the slider, and then confirm the action, which will split an item stack (similar to shift-clicking, but with a custom number). I've successfully created custom GUIs before using Screen, but I’m running into a couple of issues when trying to integrate a slider into the inventory screen (AbstractContainerScreen): I found the slider in the forge package (net.minecraftforge.client.gui.widget.Slider), but I couldn’t find any usages or examples on how to properly implement it or use it in this context. My Questions: How can I properly integrate a slider into the custom gui screen ? Is net.minecraftforge.client.gui.widget.Slider the right class to use for this? If yes, are there any examples or recommended usages of this Forge slider widget? If not, what would be a good alternative to create a custom slider (maybe extending AbstractSlider or another class)? How do I ensure proper interaction between the slider and the rest of the inventory screen? Any advice, code snippets, or examples would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance for your help!
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