One of the things my mod does is add player names to the filenames of screenshots containing their edits. Currently I'm modifying the Minecraft ScreenshotHelper class to customise the name of the file to save. It would be helpful if there was an event hook in ScreenshotHelper.func_74292_a() just before ImageIO.write(bufferedimage, "png", file3) to customise the File to write. The current screenshot code in Minecraft is a bit of black box. It's currently hardwired to check the F2 key with a call to Minecraft.screenshotListener() in Minecraft.runGameLoop().
Someone pointed out, in another API request I had that it is possible to use the ASM library to modify core code. I have spent a few hours googling around for help and examples, but frankly, I'm struggling with it and it doesn't seem that the mechanisms for doing this in Forge are well explained.
I'd appreciate any efforts made by the Forge developers to add an event hook for screenshots, or even a well-documented method of swapping a core Minecraft method for a method nominated by a mod at runtime.