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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. I thought so too and downgraded all the way to version I of create, and still no change unfortunately. I didn't know ad astra conflicted, but thats one of the ones I cant give up so Ill play with some versions and see
  2. https://paste.ee/p/0Cm3sFEr#section0 Now crashing before I even get to error load failure
  3. https://paste.ee/p/FdxowiiT#section0 new crash log Same Result unfortunately. It keeps blaming supplementaries but points to something in a create folder, however disabling both of these does nothing
  4. https://paste.ee/p/wySgeUnQ#section0 Debug https://paste.ee/p/JC97fGEk#section0 Lastest Started happening a few days ago and can no longer load up minecraft forge, lots of spamming about "cowardly refusing to" but I can't find out anything useful about it, same thing happens with and without supplementaries
  5. Nevermind, took more than two seconds to look at it, sorry. MTS is not available on 1.19.2, don't know why so many packs are available for 1.19.2 without the base, unless that's just curseforge being dumb.
  6. That makes sense, as cool as it looks it also looks a little janky. Do you know if it's an addon or the base mod? From there, is it a common version problem or a whole mod problem? Thanks
  7. Pastebin... https://pastebin.com/Y3iZ85L5 Brand new profile, does not point to a mod as far as I can tell, my fatal message just has something about mixins. Don't know much about reading logs like this, but am genuinely stuck, please help. Java updated, pc restarted.
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