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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Hi I'm currently making an addon mods to add compatibility between tacz and the Vault Hunters Modpack. I added a new item that is a extend of the kineticgun class from tacz and implements the vaultgear classes from Vault Hunters. The texture and other functionnality of the guns in tacz comes from the gunId nbt so once i add the nbt my new item works perfectly. My problem is when in debug the texture from tacz works and i can see the gun in every place but once i export the mod i can only see the gun in my hand in first person, in third person and the inventory i get the error texture. If you can help please leave a message. Thank you ps1: src https://github.com/Pixyde/tacz_x_vault_hunters ps2: this is my first mod
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