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Op6kyh's Achievements

Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. No I wanted to use that mod. I need a solution that doesn't involve removing the mod
  2. Someone please help me solve this issue EXIT CODE 255 https://mclo.gs/td8Fw1A
  3. One more thing Now the mod is giving an error https://mclo.gs/vipwqm9
  4. Omg.... Didn't expect that but thanks. My forge works now.
  5. Hope this helps https://mclo.gs/5rrOcbD
  6. My forge crashes when loading how do I fix this issue? It says that the game failed to load on boostrap to let you know, I have Java 23 installed, all the apps are up to date. I've been facing this problem since last week where I was able to load forge on Microsoft but the moment I changed to mac, this started. I tired every possible solution but never worked. I tried redownloading forge again but doesn't work. SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME FIX THIS
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