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Everything posted by MCPlayer

  1. Hi all. I am having trouble running forge. I used to be able to run it, but I tried again recently and it no longer works. When I launch the game, it exits with error code 1. I am on Ubuntu 20.04. Vanilla minecraft works fine as well as optifine. I've ran forge before and even hosted forge servers for my friends. I'm not quite sure what the problem is. I uninstalled forge and reinstalled the version I wanted (1.16.1) but no luck. I know that I haven't given much information to work with, so please let me know what you need. Edit: Turns out I had to delete the "options.txt" file. It was generated for a different version
  2. I am having this issue as well. It crashes immediately after hitting play from the launcher. I am able to play vanilla minecraft and also optifine, both 1.21.4 and before. How do I view the crash report? I am on Ubuntu 20.04. I checked my ~/.minecraft folder and the crash isn't there. On the launcher I see "An unexpected issue occurred and the game has crashed. We're sorry for the inconvenience. Crash dump sent! Exit Code: 1" I am trying to play version 1.21.4-54.0.17, which I downloaded from the forge website. Edit: I found the crash logs, had to delete the old launcher logs since I had too many. Here is the log data (https://sending.pastefor.help/upload/506fa956). I am trying to run forge 1.16.1 client now. Edit2: Turns out forge 1.16 doesn't work with java 21, fixed
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