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LamonDamon's Achievements

Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. i got this https://justpaste.it/jfldw
  2. I got this https://justpaste.it/hx5yw
  3. Sorry, I'm using a different site bcs for some reason it doesn't let me verify my email on paste.ee, so here's the new log https://justpaste.it/eoqpw It doesn't matter anymore, I decided to re download every mod, sorry for wasting time!
  4. I got this now https://paste.ee/p/xGcbZRLu , it seems to be a mod that changes something to do with biomes
  5. https://paste.ee/p/IbdJ1eS1 - It's a modpack with 461 mods, and I just can't find what's causing the game to crash, please help
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