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Shura4437's Achievements

Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Thank you for your reply. As instructed I posted the Crash Report and the Logs on Pastebin. Here are the latest logs: https://pastebin.com/QeLRCgqm Here is the Crash Report: https://pastebin.com/MKEYzQYT I hope this is what I was suppose to do
  2. I forgot to mention the game version is 1.19.2 and the modloader is 43.4.0
  3. Hi, I was playing on my modpack yesterday and it was fine. Today I saw some updates in the forge client and decided to do them then I also added 3 new mods (Create: Unbreakable tools, Framed Blocks, The Twilight Forest.) After this the game will crash. Then I get an image that says ERROR Game crashed. The game crashed: initializing game Error: java.lang.RuntimeException: null Exit Code: -1 (Inline posted log removed) Soo can you please let me know what I did wrong?
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