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    Forge and Optifine fan.

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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Not sure if this has been already suggested: right now the installer makes the patched version being called "Forge<version>", I think it would be better to include also the minecraft version in the name like "1.6.2+Forge9.10.0.776" or "Forge9.10.0.776 (MC1.6.2)".
  2. Does that mean something like having the launcher profile named.. for example, the same name the forge release I have now, "Forge8.9.0.771" and then mods will load from .minecraft/profiles/forge8.9.0.771/mods or something similar? Doing it from "versions/forgeversion/mods" sounds easier to mantain for users but I don't mind as long as each selected release has its separate folder for mods without needing custom launchers. Also, do you plan to "backport" that to 1.5.2 or older versions? And another question unrelated to this topic, is the installer .jar a temporary workaround while you figure out how 1.6+ and the new launcher work, or until Mojang (finally ) release their modding API and an official way of loading mods, or will the installer be the official way for Forge from now on? (sorry if there are too many questions and for my bad english )
  3. I agree, that would be really convenient and useful, having .minecraft/versions/forge<version>/mods-coremods-etc would make it easier to mantain several versions or profiles without any hassle.
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